What color is your love?

1 / 10

How do you feel about loving someone your entire life?

2 / 10

How do you react when someone seems to have a crush on you?

3 / 10

If you have to date one of the two, you choose…

4 / 10

When you go on a bling date, you…

5 / 10

When your partner is out drinking and won't answer your calls or messages, you…

6 / 10

How do you react when your partner gets slightly jealous about your friendship with another guy/girl?

7 / 10

Between the two, which is worse?

8 / 10

When you see a bunch of people gathered around when you're on a date, what do you do?

9 / 10

How do you react when you see past conversations with your partner on a messenger app?

10 / 10

How do you react when your partner looks down with no particular reason?

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Your love is the color of . . .
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