I'm seen to be a person tough to myself by others, and I understand why.
I put in effort to do something perfectly, even when it doesn't seem to be possible.
There's no end to my desire towards achievement.
I'd rather fail by doing in a unique way, rather than succeeding in the same way with others.
Keeping the deadline should be prioritized than checking the details one by one.
It's hard to accept a concept if it hasn't been proven by long research.
I tend to think before going into the process.
I easily become sensitive when things get complicated.
Rather than thinking of the worst, I prefer to confront fear directly.
I'm reluctant to freely reveal my emotions.
I help others even when I get nothing in return.
Leaving a good impression to others is certainly important.
I'm the one who usually makes the atmosphere relaxing.
Being a 'open-eared and supportive one' to my friend is very important.
While I easily get along with others, honestly I often feel like I don't blend in very well.
When messing things up, I tend to worry about other's reactions more than being disappointed of myself.
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